Monday, August 5, 2013

UPDATE: Third Installment of the Garden progress

Although our bounty is a bit still looks luscious!!!
It only took my husband and I working for about 7 days straight to get the whole area weeded.
(The image below shows it only about halfway weeded)
Methinks if we are to expand the garden at any point - we will have to 
think about alternatives to manual weeding.

Can you spot the husband in the back?
Weed picking in the big garden one evening.

So far this season, I've only posted far back shots of the garden as a whole.
(like the image above)

Here comes the veggies!
(They're ready for their close ups...)

CORN:  Our white corn plants...waist high!

CUKES:  Our cucumber machine...nothing to it...just an old chain-link fence with 
steel rods driven into the ground on an angle.  They are starting to get the idea...

The lovely little cucumber flowers are teasing us!!!
We planted both pickling and English cukes.

BRUSSELS SPROUTS:  ...a first for us!, yellow and purple...but the green ones outnumber the rest.

CARROTS...we planted the leftover purple carrots from 2 yrs ago...but apparently the purple fades away.  All of the purple carrots I thinned out of the row were definitely orange.
Maybe the purple colour comes later?  Stay tuned...I'll let you keep you posted...

BEETS...coming along just fine.  After I thinned them, I was left with more room for the beets to flesh out and some amazing baby beet leaves for salads.

PEAS:  First round of peas in tomato cages did alright, but I wasn't satisfied with the amount of plants. 

So we planted a second round of peas with hemp string supports...can't wait!

BROCCOLI:   transplanted from sister-in-law Sally's garden...doing well!

GARLIC:  we planted garlic and got loads of purslane as well!

ACORN SQUASH:  We wanted more squashes to store for the winter.  We've already experimented with butternut - now we roll the dice on acorn!

ZUCCHINI:  Green zucchinis taking off - finally.

A prized zuke!!!  I really can't wait...these are a favorite summer nosh

TOMATOES:  We planted tomatoes in different stages...the ones on the right hand are a few weeks ahead of the ones on the left.  That should mean we won't be drowning in "maters" all at once.


As you can see, our haul this night is small but productive.
A rainbow of colours!

A few things we planted did not come up.
Like I said, we're working with seeds we kept from 2 yrs I'm just thankful
anything came up!  Parsnips and flying saucer squash did not take at all.
Not sure if the seeds just went "stale" or if our seed storage techniques are flawed.
More research will have to be done on this subject, I'm afraid.

There is a bonus this time of year.
As you work away in the garden, you are also able to grab extra stuff you wouldn't have expected!
Whether you use seeds or seed tape, when you plant carrots and will have to thin out the harvest before they start establishing themselves.

So while you are thinning out the crop (so the veggies don't crowd each other),
you can harvest some baby beet leaves and baby carrots!
I hate to waste anything and, even more importantly, there is valuable vitamins in them babies!

How does your garden grow this year?

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